Camino Highlights
Mark these Camino Highlights in your book
It is difficult to see everything along the Camino and pretty easy to miss some awesome sites. Combined with the scenery, history, and culture, there are so many interesting, beautiful and amazing things to see along the Camino. Luckily on my first Camino, I wrote down things fellow pilgrims told me about that I had missed along the way. On my next Caminos, I was sure to include them on my journey.
There are so many different Camino Highlights that aren’t just about historical places to visit. They might be people you met, albergues you stayed at, meals you had, meals you cooked together, singing at mass, meditating, walking for a few hours or days alone to have time to reflect or watching the sunrise and set on a beautiful vista.
Personal Camino highlights are different for everyone and there will be plenty of them, but the ones that are of particular interest to the Camino past and present are what we will share with you here.
Saint Jean Pied de Port to Burgos
- Saint Jean Pied de Port – ramparts and citadel.
- Pyrennes mountains
- Orisson- relaxing on the patio perched on the mountainside-morning clouds.
- Font de Roland at France/Spanish border
- Roncesvalles medieval albergue, museum and church.
- Pamplona-ancient fortified city and tapas/pinchos, Cafe Iruna-art deco and Hemmingway’s haunt.
- Alto del Perdon- iron pilgrim sculpture.
- Eunate-linked to Knights Templar and jewel of the Camino.
- Medieval bridge Puente la Reina
- Torres de Rio-Iglesia de Santo Sepulcro 11th century, linked to the Knights Templar.
- Logrono-tapas-Bar Soriano
- Najera-Monastery of Santa Maria de la Real and the cloisters.
- Detour: San Millan de la Cogolla and the monasteries of Suso and Yuso. UNESCO world heritage site and the birthplace of the written Spanish language.
- Canas-Cistercian abbey Abadia Cisterciense de Canas – 1170.
- Santo Domingo de la Calzada-Parador
- Belorado-the church of Santa Maria 15th century built up against the limestone cliffs and ancient cave dwellings.
- San Juan de Ortega- Church contains sarcophagus of San Juan de Ortega.
- Atepuerca-prehistoric caves UNESCO world heritage site.

Burgos to Leon
- Burgos Cathedral de Santa Maria– awe-inspiring World Heritage Site-of Gothic architecture with an impressive interior. Discount with Credentials.
- Burgos-Arco de Santa Maria
- Burgos-Museum of Human Evolution
- Burgos-Real Monasterio de Las Huelgas and Hospital del Ray.
- Castrojeriz-castle ruins
- Boadilla del Camino-parish church Santa Maria-baptismal urn 14th c -jurisdictional column Rollo.
- Fromista-Iglesia de San Martin 11thc-pure romanesque architecture.
- Villalcazar de Sirga-Templar church Santa Maria la Virgen Blanca 13th c-tombs of nobles and royalty.
- Religious-Bar Elvis.
- Bodegas Irache wine font filled daily with 100 liters of free wine for pilgrims.
- Irache-Monastery Santa María la Real de Irache.
Leon to Santiago
- Leon
- Cathedral Pulchra Leonina-incredible stained glass works.
- San Marcos -Museum, Parador-claustro
- Pantheon Real 11th c- resting place of 11 kings-12 queens-23 princes-brilliant frescos.
- Roman walls
- Iglesia de Santa Maria del Camino
- Iglesia San Marcelo
- Casa Botines-Gaudi
- Palacio Guzmanes
- Hospital de Orbigo-Built over original roman bridge-ancient jousting bridge.
- David’s cantina-Casa de los Dioses
- Astorga-Palacio Espiscopal-Guadi
- Castrillo de Polvazares-Maragoto village.
- La Cruz de Ferro
- Ponferrada-Knights Templar Castle and Library 12th c.
- Herrerias-rent a horse from Victor for a 2-hour guided ride to O’Cebriero.
- O’Cebriero
- Iglesia de Santa Maria Real 9th c.
- Palazoes-Thatched roof structures for living and livestock from pre-Roman times.
- Vilar de Donas-ancient seat of knights of Santiago-10th c-frescos and effigies of knights.
- Melide-Pulpo
- Monte del Gozo-monument-capilla San Marcos-statue of 2 pilgrims pointing to Santiago.
- Cathedral romanesque-remains of Saint James-portical of glory.
- Bontfumada swinging
- Compostella
- Museum of pilgrims
- tapas restaurants/bars
- continue to Muxia, Finisterra

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