Camino Bound
Plan Your Camino With Us.
Burgos to Leon

Burgos to Leon journey is approximately 180 km and would be an 8 to 10-day walk along a very unique path as it weaves its way throughout cities along the high Meseta. While the Meseta is known for its long days and flat terrain there are some steep but mostly soft rolling hills and lots of beauty along the way. The Burgos to Leon stage is often the second stage for many Europeans as they do the Camino in three stages due to lack of take to accomplish the entire Camino Frances at one time.
Once you leave the lively and beautiful city of Burgos you will find yourself in the quiet countryside with fields of agriculture for as far as the eyes can see and interesting towns like Castrojeriz, Boadilla, Fromista, Villacazar de Sirga, Sahagun, and Mansilla de las Mulas to list a few.
While in Burgos, the home of El Cid, we suggest visiting the world-class Museum of Human Evolution and the breathtaking Burgos Gothic Cathedral (bring your pilgrim credentials for a discount and your sello/stamp. NO packs allowed) along with dozens of other must-see historical sites and museums. The nightlife is vibrant and the cuisine delightful. This town offers lots of places to rest, watch the world go by, and explore the culture and history before you head home.
Your first steps on the Camino start here.
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