Camino Bound
Plan Your Camino With Us from Pamplona to Santiago.
Itineraries We Offer
Pamplona to Santiago de Compostela

Pamplona to Santiago de Compostella is a route that is traveled by many pilgrims and Pamplona is a lovely city to start your Camino Frances. The city is filled with loads of history, culture, food and is famous worldwide for the running of the bulls during the San Fermín festival, which is held annually from July 6 to July 14. This festival was brought to literary renown with the 1926 publication of Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway spent hours writing his novel at the art deco Cafe Iruna just off the main plaza del Castillo.
Pamplona is one of Spain’s greenest cities and a former bastion of the Roman Empire, and is just as much worth a visit during the remaining fifty weeks of the year for its history and modern art museums. Its open recreational spaces and its glorious religious monuments are worth spending time resting and watching the world go by and exploring. If missing the Pyrennes mountains or ease of travel is your reason for starting your Camino here then you will find many wonderful sites, people and interesting things on the Pamplona to Santiago route of the Camino Frances.
The route from Pamplona to Burgos is of rolling hills with some steep ascents and descents that lead you into the city of Burgos with a population of over 355,000 people. While in Burgos, the home of El Cid, we suggest visiting the world-class Museum of Human Evolution and the breathtaking Burgos Gothic Cathedral (bring your pilgrim credentials for a discount. NO packs allowed.) along with dozens of other must-see medieval historical sites and museums. The nightlife is vibrant and the cuisine exquisite. This city offers lots of places to rest, watch the world go by, and explore the culture and history before you head west.
Once you leave Burgos you will find yourself in the Meseta and the quiet countryside with fields of agriculture for as far as the eyes can see. You will walk through interesting towns like Castrojeriz, Boadilla del Camino, Fromista, Villacazar, Sahagun and Mansilla to mention a few. While the Meseta is known for its long days and flat terrain there are some steep but mostly soft rolling hills and lots of beauty along the way. You will pass through Leon which is former Roman military garrison and base for its VIIth Legion. Leon is both historical and modern and home to over 130,000 people. After leaving Leon and before reaching Santiago de Compostela you will encounter many rolling hills on the way to Hospital de Orbigo, Astorga, Castrillo de Polvarzares, Rabinal de Camino. The terrain changes to some steep hills approaching Foncebadon, Ponferrada, Cacabelos, and Villafranca del Bierzo before heading up into the western mountain range into O’Cebriero. After descending the mountains and before reaching Santiago, Samos, Sarria, Portomarin, and Melide have their own traditions, historical significance, culinary delights and beauty.
Your first steps on the Camino start here.
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